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Standard 4:
Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.

            a.  Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright,

                 intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources

            b.  Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital

                 tools and resources

            c.  Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information

            d.  Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures

                 using digital age communication and collaboration tools

My Personal Definition of the Standard:

This standard emphasizes the need for good digital citizenship from both teachers and students, and the need for equitable access for all students. Teachers themselves should demonstrate and model appropriate social interactions online, use digital resources appropriately, and provide credit when necessary, but they also need to teach these skills specifically to their students. Many times teachers take for granted that students know and understand how to act responsibly online since they have grown up with the technology, but that is not always the case. Also, not every student has access to a specific technology, or the Internet at home, so teachers need to be aware of this when creating lessons and activities for their students. Several artifacts that I created for this cohort demonstrate my use and modeling of appropriate digital citizenship and providing equitable access for my math classes and other school situations.

Artifacts that Align and How They Address the Criteria of the Standard:

Planning and Producing Instructional Media

This video that was created for this artifact was posted on YouTube as “unlisted” so that it was only able to be shared with only my cohort members. The link can then be shared with only those who need to see it. After the video was posted, we were then to comment on others’ videos and respond to those who commented on our own video. Those interactions were professional and done in a timely manner. Also, at the end of the video, I provided credit to the music and ideas used. This demonstrates respect for copyright and intellectual property.

Selecting and Integrating Instructional Technology

The unit created for the artifact for this course has global communication built into it. Students from the U.S. will be working with students in Costa Rica to discuss the effects of major events on their families and communities and create a final presentation of what they learned. The teacher will model appropriate online interactions and students will enhance their understanding of other cultures through this communication.

Leading Change Through Instructional Technology

In the artifact for this course, the “Greater Purpose” on our group's Polarity Map within the project was to “educate all students.” Co-teaching helps to achieve that purpose, and some of the positives to it are laid out in the Polarity Map, some of which involve technology.

Using Digital and Social Media in Education

In the artifact for this course, students are able to navigate through the "Choose Your Own Adventure" activities at their own pace and in their own way. This makes it learner-centered. The activities are also housed in an online platform, so it is easily accessible to students using computers or other devices. Google Forms also has accessibility features that can be turned on to provide access to all students.

Developing and Designing Online Learning

During the unit described in the artifact for this course, students will be completing discussion posts via Google Classroom. These discussions will promote responsible social interactions through the use of technology.

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